Sunday, May 3, 2009

Just another day in paradise............

Well gosh , it rained Friday night , all day Saturday and most of today. Saturday morning Cane got out of bed ( my bed ) at 8 am and at 8:15 he said , " I'm bored." So can you tell how my weekend went? By last night we were separating all the pens and pencils in the house , making sure they would write , and then putting them in their own little drawer. Tonight we're planning on mating all the socks. That ought to keep us busy until bedtime , as I haven't mated them since 1999.

I guess since we've been stuck inside with 2 boys all weekend , my husband had nothing else to do , so he started thinking. That by itself , is always dangerous , and produces crazy results. This morning , after he had been thinking awhile , he came into the kitchen where I was ( I've been there for 50 years , so he always knows where to find me ) and said , " Happy Mothers Day ". He was grinning from ear to ear , like he deserved a medal or something , for remembering. Being foolish , I blurted out that it wasn't mothers day until next Sunday. So then he asked me what I wanted for mothers day. In past years my wants were along these lines................

A day at the spa
a new printer
a new purse
a mani/pedi
a gift certificate to Hobby Lobby

you get the picture. Anyway ,he always insisted I tell him exactly what I wanted , how much it was and where he could find it. No surprises there , you're thinking. WRONG. I got a box of NASTY tasting candy , and a stuffed teddy bear. Well , I guess I still get surprised because the color of the teddy bear varies from year to year. So when he asked me this year I said " some chocolates and a teddy bear". Wonder what he'll get me??????????


slkone said...

I wonder what color teddy bear I'LL be getting this year! ;) I'm with you - never get quite what I ask for either!

Kim Wheedleton said...

You gotta love reverse psychology! Let us know how it works out...

Barbara said...

So...what did you get?