Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My kids make my head hurt........

and my ears , and my legs and my back..............they make my hair gray and I'm pretty sure they are the ones that ruined my eyesight. All those nights of sitting up all night making a costume when you have nothing to make it out of except a needle , a paper sack , a maxi-pad , and 2 crayons. Because they didn't tell me they needed one until they were getting in the bed. Of course , they probably brought a note home , but they probably put it in the hamster cage so that " Cookie would have something to read".

My ears hurt because I hear HEAINTTHEBOSSAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4,000 times a day and my head hurts because they bicker allllllllllllll dayyyyyyyyyyyyy longggggggggggggggg.My hair turns gray because I worry so much , because my heart does not belong to me anymore. It belongs to them. My butt hurts because it only ever comes into contact with a chair for about 2 seconds at a time. And my poor old back , it bends to pick up shoes and toys and clothes constantly! It's overwhelming really! I'm not very organized so most of the time I don't know where anything is or what I'm supposed to do with it when I find it. *ell , half the time I don't even know what it is I'm looking for. So I live in a perpetual state of confusion , which if you ever meet me , will account for the stupid look on my face. But when I drag my tired butt to bed at night and lie down and feel all the little twinges and aches and pains , I know its because I did something that mattered that day. I spent another day with my boys. A day filled with ups and downs and fights and hugs and tears and laughter. And although I'm human and will not say that the whining and fighting did not get on my nerves , I can also say that since I am a mother what I will remember is :

Helping Jordan catch a frog

The smell of Canes hair in the sun

My 36 year old son calling just to tell me he loved me

Watching fireflys with the boys

Finding the birthday card my 25 year old gave me where he wrote " you are my rock mama "

..............The salt of our daily lives is generously peppered throughout the day with the little things that truly matter. So , although I may tell my boys that they make my head hurt , they will laugh and remember all the good things we sprinkled into our days.


Dorlene said...

A treasure! Well said. Hope all is well with you.

Janice said...

Love your blog. Wait until you have grandkids. Then even your liver hurts. But enjoy the pain, it becomes fodder for great memories when they all grow up and begin relating tales of things you DIDN'T know happened.
