Saturday, April 26, 2008

If I can find the goat.............

So I read about using the Monistat gel on the face and was trying to research that when I came across an article that SWORE that if you take a bath in goats milk , your skin will be restored to a smooth (pre-6 boys) baby softness.So thinking about my body being smooth again got me to thinking about what could I do for these BAGS under my eyes. So I looked that up. Preparation H was reccommended! So I'm sitting here weighing my options. Would I rather have bags under my eyes , or would I rather have them PUCKERED like a you -know-what hole? I can't decide: then I get a scary thought. What if it doesn't work and I wind up with PUCKERED BAGS under my eyes? I mean , I can't find anyone that has ever actually ever tried it, you know? It's very tempting. To be bag free would be a dream come true! Well, if I can find that damn goat that came in the house the other day , I'll take a soak and think about it. Does anyone here know how to milk a goat............


Linda-H said...

Let us know if you find the goat...and I can't wait to hear about your snakes love interest.

Loved your storries about your sons.

Keep them coming! You are a great writer.


6boyzmom said...

Thanks Linda!

Anonymous said...

That's too funny!